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Connect your Store
Learn how to connect your e-commerce platform and fine-tune all your store settings.
38 articles
Connect your BigCommerce store
How do I connect my BigCommerce store?
Koongo settings for BigCommerce
Custom Platform
Would like to connect Koongo but your e-commerce platform is not listed in Koongo support platforms? No problem! Koongo can integrate any e-commerce platform. Simply connect your store to Koongo by using standardized Google Shopping product feed.
How do I connect a non-supported e-commerce (Custom Platform)?
Koongo settings for Custom Platforms
Connect your Lightspeed store
How do I connect my Lightspeed store?
Koongo settings for Lightspeed
Connect your PrestaShop store
How do I connect my Prestashop store?
Koongo settings for Prestashop
Connect your Shopify store
How do I connect my store?
Koongo settings for Shopify
Shopify Metafields