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eBay submission errors
Updated over a year ago

In this article, we'll cover the main eBay submission errors reported by Koongo merchants. You will learn how to easily address them to get your full assortment submitted and accepted.

A user error has occurred. <Attribute> Invalid.

This error seems to be quite common within the eBay product feed. It usually means you are exporting a non-valid value for, one or more, mandatory attributes defined in the error message. You may get the error message translated into specific eBay country market languages, for instance:

  • Si è verificato un errore di dell’utente. <Attribute> non valido. (

  • A user error has occurred. >Attribute> invalid. (

The error can be related to the following attributes:

  • <Shipping_package> Please, check the package_type attribute within your eBay product feed and cross-check if a valid package_type value is exported. You can get a full list of accepted values within the attribute details (i). Koongo recommends using some of the following package_type values:

    b) LETTER

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