By using the product filters you can limit the number of items exported to the given selling channel. There are several filter options available that allow you to select just specific items for a specific channel.
Export Out of Stock Products
Allows you to exports all items or just in-stock items.
Export variants as single products
This setting allows you to export variants as single products. If set to Yes, the parent products are excluded from the feed. Only variants are exported.
Export removed products
By default set to No. If you remove or deactivate an item from your store, Koongo stores the item for a limited time. So, Koongo is able to remove the item from a specific marketplace - e.g. Amazon or eBay. Options:
No - exports only active items listed in your store
Yes(All products) - exports all items, removed/deactivated items are includes
Remove Only - exports only removed/deactivated items