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Attribute Filter Settings
Updated over 5 months ago

Koongo offers various filtering options for each of the profile. So, you can export specific items to a selected marketplace.

There are two main filtering options:

  • Attribute filter - The attribute filter allows you to use any of your store attributes for attribute filtering. It is also possible to set various attribute combinations.

  • Category filter - The category filter allows you to select/exclude a specific store category for product feed export.

Attribute filter conditions

For attribute filtering, there are various condition options available:


  • is equal to - attribute equal to ... - e.g. "Color is equal to Red" (only products with "Red" as value for "Color" are listed in the feed). It is case-sensitive.

  • is not equal to - attribute not equal to ... - e.g. "Color is not equal to Red" (only products with any other value but "Red" as value for "Color" are listed in the feed). It is case-sensitive.

  • contains - e.g. "Name contains Nike" (only products which include "Nike" in the Name attribute are exported in the feed). It is not case-sensitive.

  • does not contain - e.g. "Name does not contain Nike" (only products which do not include "Nike" in the Name attribute are exported in the feed). It is not case-sensitive.

  • is one of - e.g. "SKU is one of 1111,2222,3333,4444" (only products which SKU equals 1111 or 2222 or 3333 or 444 are exported in the feed)

  • is not one of - e.g. "SKU is not one of 1111,2222,3333,4444" (only products which SKU does not equal to 1111 or 2222 or 3333 or 444 are exported in the feed)

  • contains any of- e.g. "Name contains one of Nike, Adidas, Rebook" (only products which include "Nike", "Adidas" or "Rebook" in the Name attribute are exported in the feed)

  • does not contain any of- e.g. "Name does not contain Nike, Adidas, Rebook" (only products which do not include "Nike", "Adidas" or "Rebook" in the Name attribute are exported in the feed)


  • is equal to any - attribute equal to ... - e.g. "Color is Red, Blue, Green" (only Color Red, Blue and Green products are listed in the feed)

  • is not equal to any - attribute not equal to ... - e.g. "Color is Red, Blue, Green" (Color Red, Blue and Green products are excluded from the feed)

  • greater than - e.g. "Price final with tax greater than 100" (only products with a price greater than 100 are listed in the feed)

  • less than -e.g. "Price final with tax less than 100" (only products with price less than 100 are listed in the feed)

  • ends with - e.g. "SKU ends with 1111" (only products which SKU starts1111 are exported in the feed)

  • doesn't end with - e.g. "SKU doesn't end with1111" (only products which SKU doesn't starts1111 are exported in the feed)

  • starts with - e.g. "SKU starts with 1111" (only products which SKU starts1111 are exported in the feed)

  • doesn't starts with - e.g. "SKU doesn't start with1111" (only products which SKU doesn't starts1111 are exported in the feed)


  • is empty - e.g. "EAN is empty" (only products which EAN is empty are exported in the feed)

  • isn't empty - e.g. "EAN is empty" (only products which EAN is not empty are exported in the feed)

  • length exceeds - e.g. "Name length exceeds 30" (only products with a string longer than 30 characters as "name" are listed in the feed)

  • length doesn't exceed - e.g. "Name length exceeds 30" (only products with a string shorter than 30 characters as "name" are listed in the feed)

  • word count exceeds - e.g. "Name word count exceeds 3" (only products with a name with more than 3 words or less are listed in the feed)

  • word count doesn't exceed - e.g. "Name word count doesn't exceed 3" (only products with a name with 3 words or less are listed in the feed)



  • is equals or greater than - e.g. "Price final with tax equals or greater than 100" (only products with price equal or greater than 100 are listed in the feed)

  • is equals or less than - e.g. "Price final with tax equals or less than 100" (only products with price equal or less than 100 are listed in the feed)

  • is greater than - e.g. "Price final with tax greater than 100" (only products with a price greater than 100 are listed in the feed)

  • is less than -e.g. "Price final with tax less than 100" (only products with price less than 100 are listed in the feed)



  • is true - attribute true... - e.g. "Is_Parent is true" (only parent products are listed in the feed)

  • is false - attribute false ... - e.g. "Is_Parent is false" (only non parent products are excluded from the feed)

  • matches regex - e.g. "Name matches regex /.*color$/" (only products with a name ending with "color"are listed in the feed)

  • doesn't match regex - e.g. "Name doesn't match regex /.*color$/" (only products with name not ending with "color"are listed in the feed)


To use a regex, enclose it between / delimiters, placing the pattern between the slashes (e.g., /pattern/ matches 'pattern'). The slashes indicate the start and end of the regex.

Example 1: Attribute equals to

Export only products meeting criteria "color = red" and "size = L".


Example 2: Price is higher than

Export only products with prices equal to or higher than 50.


Example 3: SKU is one of

Export only products with SKU numbers 1,2,3 and 4.


Example 4: Conditions combination

Export only products meeting criteria ("color = red" or "color = green") and "size = L" - "Conditions Combination" option.


Category Filter Settings

You can filter your items based on your store categories. Only the items associated with the selected categories will be exported to the given product feed.

By default, the items from all categories are exported.

If you uncheck the Export ALL categories button, you can:


Select specific categories

You can select specific categories from your store category list.


Export mapped categories

The All mapped categories option allows you to select automatically just store categories that are mapped to the marketplace categories in the Category Mapping tab


Select all categories

You can select all your store categories by clicking the Select all categories option.


Unselect all categories

You can unselect all your store categories by clicking the Remove all option.

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